Your love might be the 8th wonder of the world.

If that’s too cheesy for you, then maybe I’m too cheesy for you. If not, keep reading.


I just find it incredible that out of 7 billion people, the two of you can find each other and say "You, forever."

What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good love story. And I would love to know yours.

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“You can tell from her photos that she loves her job.”

Job? What job?

Photographing has never felt like work. After 6 years in the corporate world, serving my clients during the week and then showing up to a wedding day is nothing less than fun. I belong here. Capturing moments that make you feel at home, making fast friends every weekend, adventuring through the woods or new cities … it’s a dream that I wholeheartedly do not want to wake up from.